Sinertik Ltd.
How can we help you:
If you have a problem with brakes, clutches or industrial friction you are in a good place. We are here to solve any problem whether it is relining or making completely new parts.
Sintertik is positioned in Croatia (EU), but we provide services to clients all around the world. We work with companies and individuals. Our quality is easily visible given the large number of satisfied customers (reference list) and 44 years of experience.
Why should you choose us?
- Over 350 satisfied companies in Croatia alone
- Work with clients all around the world
- Experience over 40 years guarantees the best service and the best materials
- Very short production deadlines
For any problem send us an email:
Your brakes, clutch plate or friction part outweared and you can’t find a new part or it’s too expensive – then you have reason to contact us about repairing or making a new part.
If you are in relining business or want to do the work yourself – we offer you high quality and always available raw materials
We offer quality but also very affordable repair tools – which you can use even if you are not a professional
+385 95 827 52 01